Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rocketship to the Pseudo-clipse

Monday, January 5, 2009

The picture of the Pseudo-clipse above, is really a wall light that can be seen at the El Segundo Town Center, Anthropologie side, when you exit onto Sepulveda. Look for it, but not directly or else you might go blind. Or is that the other kind Pseudo-clipse? Or do they even exist?

M Secret #001:
I sing to J in the car, but I change the lyrics to existing songs

Actual Song: Spaceman by The Killers
Revised Song: Rocketship by AutoJoop

Intro: Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho......

My name is Auto
And I've been a real good boy this year
I want my very own rocketship
One that will take me to the pseduo-clipse

Have you seen it out there?
It looks so cool, and oh so near.
I really want to go there,
Santa don't you know that I was dear

And you know that I
have been good this year,
But all I got was a Bicycle, Tonka Truck this year...

Etc, Etc.


J and I are looking to purchase a voice recorder. I do children parties and retirement homes.

1 comment:

j said...

you suck cause youre good! you make me look bad!

nah, im happy for you mang!