Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Big Fight

Saturday, January 24, 2009

No pictures today as J and I had a huge fight.

M Secret #002:
I am infatuated with birds. This one here is a Cooper Hawk. I saw one on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 4:00PM while taking a break at work.

Before I saw this beauty, I was watching a crow struggling to fly against the wind. I thought to myself, wow if only the crow would stop resisting and just follow the breeze of the wind and ride it to the next best spot comfortably.

I swear to you, at that moment, the crow turned around and spread its wings out to easily glide towards a nearby tree.

J said that was good old G telling me to stop resisting or trying to hard for something that will come naturally.


I just don't know what it is that's coming.

(The photo above is not my photo, please don't sue me photo man guy/girl, just ask me to take it down ok?)

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